
New Testament

This course introduces the student to the study of the New Testament. Topics covered include the New Testament canon, the history of the New Testament, the genres of the New Testament, and the cultures of the New Testament world.

Old Testament

This course introduces the student to the study of the Old Testament. Topics covered include the Old Testament canon, the history of the Old Testament, the genres of the Old Testament, and the cultures of the Old Testament world.

Life And Teachings Of Jesus

This course is an intensive course of study focused on the life and teachings of Jesus as transmitted through the New Testament. Emphasis is placed on the timeline of Christ's life, death, and resurrection and the teachings of Christ. In addition, we will study the cultural surroundings, miracles, and overall experiences in the Life of Christ.

Christian Worldview

This course lays the foundation for a Christian worldview by studying what the Bible reveals about God, humanity, and life in this world. Our textbook will address life’s most important questions like “Why do we exist?” and “What is the meaning of life?” from a biblical perspective. It aims to instill confidence in God and His Word while equipping students to be courageous, articulate, and compassionate followers of Jesus Christ.


This course is designed to give students the tools and techniques to properly interpret and apply the word of God. Students will research the historical-cultural context of the biblical audience and author, decipher elements of the biblical text, and discern how to properly interpret and apply the meaning. Students will also learn how to correctly write an exegetical paper for various scriptural passages.


This course aims to present a rational basis for the Christian faith, defend the faith against objections, and attempt to expose the flaws of other worldviews. Using historical evidence, philosophical arguments, scientific investigation, and arguments from other disciplines to teach students to defend their faith.