Third Grade

Penmanship (Abeka Book Curriculum)
In third grade, we learn correct formation, spacing, letter size, slant and proportion for cursive letters. On our custom pages we practice Bible verses as well.
Reading (Abeka Book Curriculum)
The reading curriculum for third grade consists of eight reading books.
- From Shore to Shore
- Pilgrim Boy (novel)
- Heroes and Helpers
- Secret in the Maple Tree (novel)
- Among the Animals
- Sarah Plain and Tall (novel)
- The Cricket in Times Square (novel)
- Swiss Family Robinson
Students are required to read daily. Students practice oral reading, smoothness, reading with inflection and following along. There are daily homework assignments, quizzes and tests that focus on reading comprehension. Students also participate in a small group setting with the teacher, where they focus on the skills needed for proper reading comprehension.

History (Abeka Book Curriculum)
History in the third grade is very exciting! Our textbook, Our American Heritage, studies the history of America through the important figures that helped form our great country. We learn about early explorers, our Founding Fathers, inventors, authors, and civil rights leaders, to name a few.
After studying our country's discovery and settlement, we learn about some of the founding presidents. Our curriculum not only teaches about the lives of great Americans, but also emphasizes patriotism and character development.
Science (Nancy Larson Science)
Our curriculum offers a variety of activities for each class. Students will do research, work on projects, and experiment. Science is an exciting hands-on class!
Math (Abeka Arithmetic 4 Curriculum)
- Place Value
- Addition/Subtraction
- Multiplication/Division
- Pre-Algebra
- Money
- Problem Solving
- Geometry
- Graphs
- Ruler
- Clock
- Measurement
- Temperature
- Fractions
- Roman Numerals

Bible (Deep Roots)
DeepRoots provides practical activities and lessons to teach students how to apply their faith to everyday living and help develop their core values. Students learn to view all life through a Biblical perspective. DeepRoots encourages a love for Jesus, and are taught about the great sacrifice He made for us, even in Old Testament lessons. Character Trait training focuses on the heart as well as behavior to encourage character development that springs from gratitude for what Christ did for us on the Cross.
Language/Writing (Institute for Excellence in Writing)
We explore structure and style as we write about All Things Fun & Fascinating, learn to identify parts of speech, and master spelling and vocabulary words from our texts.