Second Grade

Language Arts Material
- Phonics and Language 2 (Abeka Curriculum)
- Writing (Institute for Excellence in Writing -2nd Semester)
- Handwriting with Phonics Cursive 1 (Abeka Curriculum)
- Spelling and Poetry (Abeka Curriculum)
Second grade phonics is spent expounding on and mastering concepts taught in first grade. These include, but not limited to: the 132 special sounds, phonetic rules, rhyming words and adding suffixes/prefixes.
Goals for Language are as follows:
- Fosters an appreciation of language
- Develop the correct use of English grammar
- Develop study and reference skills
- Improve listening and speaking skills

In the second semester, students will learn how to identify the key words in a paragraph. Using the key words, students will rewrite a story in their own words.
Students will learn how to write all upper and lower case letters, in cursive, using proper formation.
Spelling and Poetry
Every week, students receive a spelling list. The lists range from 20-25 words and are grouped together according to phonetic rules. They will also have 3 vocabulary words.
Math (Abeka Arithmetic 3)
This year is all about the mastery of multiplication and division that your child will get through story problems, measurement conversions, fractions, and more. Brain boosters are also included four times a week to challenge students to apply the concepts learned.
Additional topics including rounding and estimation, perimeter and area, graphs, and geometric figures, prepare your child for the higher math that he will learn in the future. All of this is presented in four fun themes - nocturnal animals, travel in the U.S., zoos around the world and space exploration.

History and Geography (Abeka Book Curriculum)
- Our America
History class meets once a week. The students learn about the Sweet Land of Liberty, Early America, Colonia America, A Free America, A Growing America, The American West, New America and Tomorrow’s America.
Science (Nancy Larson)
Second grade science students will: Investigate the Physical Properties of Matter, Observe Rocks and Mineral, Investigate Forces and Work, Examine Simple Machines, Explore Sound and Light, and Investigate Birds.
Bible (Deep Roots)
The focus is on the life of Jesus. We also learn about the first Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter.
Reading (Abeka)
The reading curriculum for second grade consists of nine books:
- Fun with Friends
- Quest for Adventure
- Across the Meadow
- Wonders of Imagination
- Through the Skies
- Growing up in Early America
- Growing up Around the World
- Growing up where Jesus Lived
- All Kinds of Animals
Our daily reading class is done as a whole group. The students practice oral reading, smoothness, reading with inflection and following along. There is also a daily focus on reading comprehension.