Fourth Grade

Bible (Deep Roots Bible Curriculum)
Deep Roots Bible Curriculum is an Apologetics and Worldview Bible Curriculum and is designed to equip students with the tools and training to stand firm in the face of today’s cultural challenges.
Deep impacts Students’ Behavior by using practical activities and lessons teach students how to apply their faith to everyday living and help develop their core values. They will learn a Biblical Worldview by learning to view all of life through a Biblical perspective.
The curriculum also encourages love for Jesus. Students are taught about Jesus and the great sacrifice He made for us, even in Old Testament lessons.
The lessons build Godly character through character trait training which focuses on the heart rather than behavior to encourage character development that springs from gratitude for what Christ did for us on the Cross.
Deep Roots also cultivates critical thinking by using thoughtful discussion questions and encourage students to reflect on past learning, synthesize new concepts, and make connections between the two. Students are encouraged to analyze and evaluate evidence under the direction of their teacher.
The Curriculum also fosters active learning through the use of Slideshows, original songs, and an interactive timeline transform students' learning from a static absorption to a multi-dimensional experience.

Math (Abeka)
- Know numbers and place value through billions
- Addition, subtractions, multiplication, and division with numbers up to four digits
- Averages numbers
- Roman Numerals
- Estimation
- Conversion of measurements
- Fractions: terminology, writing, comparing, equivalents, adding/subtract/multiply/divide mixed numbers, decimals as fractions, renaming decimals, comparing decimals, rounding
- Factors: Least Common multiples/greatest common factor
- Reading thermometers
- Algebra: solving equations
- Reading and drawing graphs and tables
- Geometry: shapes, perimeters, area
- Square roots
Students participate in a variety of activities that allows the students to practice analytical thinking and see math at work in real life context. Students are involved in interactive learning through discussion and discuss reasonable proof for their solutions from a Biblical worldview.
Reading (Abeka Book Curriculum)
The reading curriculum for Forth grade consists of eight reading books, comprehension:
- Once Upon a Story
- Pilgrim's Progress: Christiana's Journey (novel)
- In His Hands
- Song of the Brook (novel)
- Road Trip East
- Fables and Folktales
- Gift and Gadgets
- Road Trip West
- Read
Students are required to read daily. Students practice oral reading, smoothness, reading with inflection and following along. There are daily homework assignments, quizzes and tests that focus on reading comprehension. Students also participate in a small group setting with the teacher, where they focus on the skills needed for proper reading comprehension.
There will also be four novels and a book report on each project.
Language (Abeka Book Curriculum)
Abeka curriculum the students gain academic knowledge, critical thinking skill, and a spiritual foundation through learning language arts skills such as grammar (sentences, punctuation, verbs, nouns, and other writing concepts) . Students are required to prove skills through quizzes, tests, historical essays, and book reports.
Books Used: God's Gift of Language 4
Great Nevada Challenge
- Preamble to Nevada Constitution
- “Home Means Nevada”
- Various Nevada Facts
- Identify 17 Counties and County Seats

History and Geography (Abeka)
- The History of the United States
- Geography Maps and Reviews
- Nevada History: Our Home
Students explore U.S. History from its Native Americans to the Gold Rush. We strive to make History come alive. All fourth grade students participate in a benchmark project to create a Colonial Town “Greenville” based on Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. Also students will travel to Carson City to learn about our Nevada government and the great history of our state.
Nancy Larson Science
In this comprehensive science program students learn a wide array of vocabulary and study cells, plants, animals, ecosystems, and energy. This intensive program teaches students how to take notes, highlight and identify keywords and phrases in the reading passages. They also participate in hands on activities and experiments.
Field & Expedition Trips
We participate in 6 field trips throughout that year that go along with our history and science curriculum. We also take a trip to Carson City, NV to visit the state capital and we also travel to Lake Tahoe and learn about conservation, the ecosystem, and participate in science experiments using local flora and fauna.

P.E. (twice a week)
Art (twice a week)
Computers (twice a week)
Music (twice a week)
Chapel (once a week)