First Grade

Language Arts Material (Abeka Book Curriculum)
- Letters and Sounds
- Writing with Phonics (manuscript)
- Spelling and Poetry
- Language Seatwork
We start the year reviewing vowel sounds and quickly move into special sounds and phonetic blends. Special sounds are emphasized throughout the Abeka curriculum as their primary tool in beginner reading. Special sounds and beginning and ending word sounds are very important in decoding new words. Throughout the year, we also learn about rhyming and compound words, picture vs. word recognition and much more.

Language Arts
We study matching pictures with phrases, filling in missing words in sentences. They also learn rhyming and compound words as well as sentence structure. Students are taught from the very beginning about capital letters and periods. We quickly move into nouns and capitalization. By the end of the year, students are writing 1-2 page stories using complete sentences.
Spelling and Poetry
Students receive a weekly spelling list of 10-20 words. The words are grouped together according to phonetic rules. Poetry is read weekly.
Reading (Abeka Book Curriculum)
Throughout the year, we go through 9 curriculum reading books.
- Fun With Pets
- Tip Toes
- Stepping Stones
- Secrets and Surprises
- Animals in the Great Outdoors
- Kind and Brave
- Aesop's Fables
- Strong and True
- Down By The Sea
The books are read daily in class as well as for homework. In reading groups, new special sounds are introduced and drilled. We also work on reading for fluency, comprehension, expression and properly reading punctuation. Each child has their own reading handbook full of special sound charts, drills for each special sound and sample readings. These handbooks are also read during reading groups. Every child has an individually-graded reading assessment each week.
First grade uses traditional manuscript. We use a handwriting textbook for daily practice. The entire year is dedicated to making letter formation correct and handwriting legible.
Bible (Deep Roots First Grade)
Deep Roots is a new Apologetics and worldview Bible curriculum. Focused on equipping students with the tools and training to stand firm in the face of today’s cultural challenges. A Bible verse is learned and tested weekly.
Health, Safety, and Manners (Abeka Book Curriculum)
Students will be introduced to the importance of good health habits and giving God the glory for the way He has designed us. Students will study nutrition, exercise, proper sleep habits, and good posture. Learning bicycle, automobile, water, and playground safety will encourage students to take appropriate safety measures. Students will learn that thinking of others, helping at home, and using polite words are ways to show good manners.
Science (Nancy Larson)
Nancy Larson Science One
We study science twice a week including:
- Describing the Life Stages of Human Beings
- Observing Trees
- Exploring Sunlight, Water, and Soil
- Investigating Animals and Their Habitats
- Discovering What is Inside of Our Bodies
- Examining the Characteristics and Life Cycles of Insects
Math (Abeka Second Grade)
First Grade Abeka math covers concepts including addition and subtraction facts up to 18, addition and subtraction equations (up to 4-digit problems), multiplication and division facts, rounding, unit fractions, geometric and solid shapes, and more. In addition, dictation exercises develop listening skills and word problems strengthen critical thinking skills.
Electives (once a week)
- P.E.
- Music
- Art
- Computers
- Chapel