Fifth Grade

Field Trips
Fifth grade takes 5 educational field trips per year. Each field trip is chosen by academic relevance to their lesson learned in class. In addition to these, our fifth grade classes take a trip to San Diego and spend the night in Wild Animal Park sleepover "Roar & Snore" in the spring. This is an annual trip that is not only informative, but tons and tons of fun!
Examples of 5th Grade Field Trips:
- Planetarium
- Renaissance Fair
- Horses For Heroes
- Clark County Museum
- USS Midway/San Diego Zoo & Safari Park (Roar & Snore)
Language Arts
Teaching Writing: Ancient History - Based Writing Lessons Implementing Structure and Style
Teaching Grammar and sentence structure: Fix It!, Robin Hood
Spelling Vocabulary & Poetry
Our curriculum covers both grammar studies as well as tools for writing. The key concepts of grammar we cover include: parts of speech(prepositions, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, interjections), subject/predicate, sentence structure,
and punctuation. The writing portion uses these key grammar concepts and integrates them in a systematic way as we learn to "dress-up" our writing with quality adjectives, -ly words, clauses, and a variety of sentence openers. We begin with key word outlines and incorporate them into creating fiction, non-fiction, research, narrative, and persuasive writing using this technique.
Spelling will focus on a different topic each week with twenty to twenty-five (20 - 25) vocabulary words, ten (10) words with definitions, and use of them in a sentence correctly. Tests will be given on vocabulary definitions and spelling words.
History and Geography
Old World History & Geography (Abeka Book)
Behind Rebel Lines Book Study
Great American Challenge
Memorization of:
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Preamble to the Constitution
- Inscription on the Statue of Liberty
- 50 states and capitals (memorization of name and location)
- Presidents of the United States
- Star Spangled Banner
- Gettysburg Address
- America the Beautiful
In history, we study the years of discovery all the way through to approximately the 1400's. We will cover the beginnings of human history, Fertile Crescent through Australia, Oceania, & Antarctica. There is a test following each chapter and a nine week cumulative test at the end of each quarter. Quizzes can be scheduled or given at random throughout each chapter. They will also learn geographical features along with maps.
Country Report
In the Spring each student will choose an unfamiliar country to them to research for a project. The project will have various components related to language, history, and technology (Computer, Art and Music grades will also be given for each country).
State Report
In the Spring each student will choose an unfamiliar state to them to research for a project. The project will have various components related to language, history, and technology (Computer class grade).

Nancy Larson Science
In this comprehensive science program students will become astronomers, chemist, engineers, geologists, and physicist. They will be participating on hands-on activities for each unit. They will create various projects based on the subject we are learning at the present time. They will be given a set of vocabulary to study for each unit. There will be an assessment following each unit.
Math (Abeka 6)
Our arithmetic curriculum covers the following mathematical concepts:
Whole numbers, measures, factoring, fractions, decimals, percents, graphs, geometry concepts, shapes/perimeter, area, triangles, circles, algebra: order of operations, algebraic multiplication, solving equations, and two-step equations, practical arithmetic: banking, simple interest formula, planning a budget, installment buying.
Students work on lessons in class and are given time to begin their homework so that they may ask questions. They are required to complete any unfinished work at home each night. Each lesson begins with exercises that may include speed drills and problem solving. Following each unit there will be an assessment. Additional speed drills/math facts will be given throughout the year.
Deep Roots Bible
Deep Roots is dedicated to equipping students with a biblical worldview by helping them realize the truth of God’s design for human beings. Studying worldview in conjunction with apologetics students will become more confident in Christ. They will be able to care for other people by answering their objections to Christianity and offering them reasons that support the truth. Each unit is divided up into two week sections. The first week will include a memory verse quiz on Friday. The following Friday (end of unit) will include a cumulative test over the unit, that also includes a new memory verse.
Read and Comprehend (A Beka)
Novel Studies
- Sign of the Beaver
- Mary Slessor
- Amos Fortune
- Egypt Game
- Where the Red Fern Grows
- Hatchet
- Missionary Book
Approximately every five to six weeks we will be exploring different genres of books. To enhance the learning and comprehension of these genres students will be required to complete a project. Our projects are designed to enhance their use of technology. Along with these novels we will also be exploring different resources to extend their story elements based on characters, motivation, challenges, plots, problems, solutions and final outcomes. In the Spring each student will read their choice of a missionary novel (school provided) by taking on the role of their missionary. They will come dressed as their missionary to be interviewed as if in the time era.

Purity Class
Preparing for Adolescence by Dr. James Dobson
(How to survive the coming years of change)
What do you say to an adolescent who's getting ready to enter those turbulent teenage years? Dr. James Dobson, one of America's leading family psychologists, knows how to speak directly and sincerely to today's adolescents about the topics that trouble them most. Topics include: avoiding feelings of inferiority, handling peer pressure, drug abuse, puberty, sexual development, romantic love, overcoming discouragement, sound decision-making and handling independence.
Students meet in gender specific classes once a week for ten weeks in the spring. During purity class students read/discuss the sensitive topics from the book in a safe, open and biblically-based environment. Parents will receive a copy of the book at the end of fourth grade and are encouraged to read/discuss the book with their child before the class begin.
- P.E. - 2 times per week
- Art - 2 times per week
- Computers - 2 times per week
- Music - 2 times per week
- Chapel - 1 time per week